Where It All Begins

My mom graduated from high school in Thailand when mom was sixteen years old. From a large family with 8 kids, there were few opportunities for a girl from the countryside. However, mom already knew what her passion was. . . Pattern Design. After high school mom enrolled in a 2-year vocational school of Pattern Design. Although mom finished the program in 6 months, soon after mom opened her first clothing shop in her hometown. Words got spread amongst her friends and strangers alike of her skill in sewing and design. Mom's quality and expertise soon grew from creating traditional. 

When we are arriving in Washington year 2010 mom got the job right away altering Men’s and Women's Clothing at Nordstrom. After that mom moves to work for an internationally famous in Seattle. Mom's experience in many different sewing techniques and fabrics. Currently, a pattern maker and a trainer for a company in Seattle. 

Right now, at this very moment, mom's been training me how to alter, fitting clients, pattern design for customs, and how read patterns. Even though I'm young I've been improving my skills a lot in sewing, observation, art, and learning from “the best, of the best.” Mom doesn't want her knowledge, skills, talent, and passion to stop, so I stepped in and wanted to pass it down to me (the next generation) so that I could continue to the next level. Let's see what the future holds!